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dc.contributor.authorКоровкин, В. С.
dc.descriptionКоровкин, В. С. «Туберкулезные трехдневники» в Беларуси: история, символы = "Tubercular trehdnevniki" in Belarus: history, symbols / В. С. Коровкин // БГМУ: 90 лет в авангарде медицинской науки и практики: сб. науч. тр. / М-во здравоохр. Респ. Беларусь, Бел. гос. мед. ун-т; редкол. : А. В. Сикорский, О. К. Кулага. – Минск : ГУ РНМБ, 2014. – Вып. 4. – С. 129-132.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe article presents the first attempts of a public struggle with tuberculosis in the Russian Empire, starting with the All-Russian activity League Against Tuberculosis and ending with «tuberculous trehdnevnikami», which were held in all major cities. In Belarus these days to collect donations, released foxes-reparation, lectures in kolllektivah workers, enterprises, military units, arranged concerts for the benefit of patients, organized children's procession with red flags and posters on TB control, and demonstrated a special movie etc. The proceeds from the first trehdnevnikov contributed to the organization of clinics and health centers.ru_RU
dc.publisherГУ РНМБru_RU
dc.subjectИстория медициныru_RU
dc.title«Туберкулезные трехдневники» в Беларуси: история, символыru_RU
dc.title.alternative"Tubercular trehdnevniki" in Belarus: history, symbolsru_RU

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