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dc.contributor.authorДенисов, С. Д.
dc.contributor.authorГусева, Ю. А.
dc.contributor.authorМаксимович, А. В.
dc.contributor.authorНаумович, И. С.
dc.descriptionДенисов, С. Д. Крючковидные отростки шейных позвонков и их изменения при остеохондрозе = Uncinate processes of the cervical vertebrae and their changes in osteochondrosis [Электронный ресурс] / С. Д. Денисов [и др.] // БГМУ: 90 лет в авангарде медицинской науки и практики [Электронный ресурс] : сб. науч. тр. / М-во здравоохр. Респ. Беларусь, Бел. гос. мед. ун-т ; ред. : О.К. Кулага. – Минск, 2013. – Вып. 3. – 1 электрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM). - С. 55-57.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractRelevance of research is caused by the fact that in the cases of cervical osteochondrosis the most common reason of vertebrobasilar insufficiency is reflectory constriction of vertebral artery during stimulation of its nerve plexus by deformed uncinate processes. Significant increasing size of these processes causes a mechanical compression of the vertebral artery and the spinal nerve. Despite of the importance of uncinate processes clinical anatomy, their function in normal and their role in the development of pathology is poorly studied. The purpose of the research is to study the structure of uncinate processes and the impact of their overgrowth on the cross sizes of openings and grooves of spinal nerves in cervical osteochondrosis. Subjects of the investigation are 80 cervical vertebrae. The results of the research revealed that in cervical osteochondrosis the uncinate processes overgrowth decreases the cross sizes of openings and grooves of spinal nerves and can reduce the „living space" with the compression of vertebral artery.ru_RU
dc.publisherГУ РНМБ ; БГМУru_RU
dc.subjectШейные позвонкиru_RU
dc.titleКрючковидные отростки шейных позвонков и их изменения при остеохондрозеru_RU
dc.title.alternativeUncinate processes of the cervical vertebrae and their changes in osteochondrosisru_RU

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