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dc.contributor.authorKhodayarinamin, A. D.
dc.descriptionKhodayarinamin, A. D. Root canal morphology of maxillary and mandibular premolars in belarusian population using cone beam computed tomography [Электронный ресурс] / A. D. Khodayarinamin // Актуальные проблемы современной медицины и фармации 2019 : сб. материалов LXXIII Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. студентов и молодых ученых, 5-17 апр. Минск, 2019 г. / под ред. А. В. Сикорского, В. Я. Хрыщановича. - Минск : БГМУ, 2019. – С. 793-794. – 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-ROM). Научный руководитель: assist. T. V. Kidyasova.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe maxillary first premolars and mandibular premolars are the most difficult teeth for endodontic treatment because of the number of roots and canals, the direction and longitudinal depression of the roots, difficulties in visualization of apical limit. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is the most accurate method to detect root canal morphology.ru_RU
dc.subjectМорфология человекаru_RU
dc.titleRoot canal morphology of maxillary and mandibular premolars in belarusian population using cone beam computed tomographyru_RU

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