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dc.contributor.authorShvets, O. M.
dc.contributor.authorStepanenko, H. L.
dc.descriptionShvets, O. M. Possible mechanism of insulin resistance development during the treatment of tuberculosis / O. M. Shvets, H. L. Stepanenko // Физико-химическая биология как основа современной медицины : тез. докл. участников Респ. конф. с междунар. участием, посвящ. 80-летию со дня рождения Т. С. Морозкиной, Минск, 29 мая 2020 г. / под ред. А. Д. Тагановича, В. В. Хрусталёва, Т. А. Хрусталёвой. – Минск : БГМУ, 2020. – С. 233-234.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThere is an opinion that TB can lead to glucose metabolism disorders, such as hyperglycemia and insulin resistance (IR) and contribute to new onset of DM. In most cases the association between hyperglycemia and TB disappears after tuberculosis treatment. However, a recent study reported on the development of IR in TB patients who received antituberculosis treatment (ATT) and initially were not insulin resistant, which is contests the stress hyperglycemia hypothesis, as well as the improvement of an inflammatory state.ru_RU
dc.titlePossible mechanism of insulin resistance development during the treatment of tuberculosisru_RU

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