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Influence of antimicrobial peptides of the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalic on neutrophil functional activity;
Role of the biomarkers in diagnostics of chronic alcohol intoxication

dc.contributor.authorГорудко, И. В.
dc.contributor.authorГригорьева, Д. В.
dc.contributor.authorЖиволковская, А. Д.
dc.contributor.authorРеут, В. Е.
dc.contributor.authorГрафская, Е. Н.
dc.contributor.authorЛацис, И. А.
dc.contributor.authorГорбунов, Н. П.
dc.contributor.authorКостевич, В. А.
dc.contributor.authorСоколов, А. В.
dc.contributor.authorПанасенко, О. М.
dc.contributor.authorЛазарев, В. Н.
dc.descriptionВлияние антимикробных пептидов медицинской пиявки Hirudo medicinalis на функциональную активность нейтрофилов [Электронный ресурс] / И. В. Горудко [и др.] // Современные проблемы медицинской биохимии : сб. статей участников Междунар. науч.-практ. конф, посвящ. 85-летию проф. В.К. Кухты, Минск, 25 янв. 2022 г. / под ред. А. Д. Тагановича, Н. Н. Ковганко, В. В. Хрусталева. – Минск, 2022. – C. 56 – 61.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractРассмотрены особенности действия новых антимикробных пептидов (АМП) медицинской пиявки на основные функциональные ответы нейтрофилов. Среди исследуемых АМП RWRVCFLCRRKKV (536_1) и FRIMRILRVLK (3967_1) обладали наибольшей способностью активировать респираторный взрыв нейтрофилов и усиливать дегрануляцию нейтрофилов, регистрируемую по экзоцитозу миелопероксидазы и лактоферрина.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe features of the action of new antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) of the medicinal leech on the main functional responses of neutrophils are considered. Among the studied AMPs RWRVCFLCRRKKV (536_1) and FRIMRILRVLK (3967_1) had the greatest ability to activate the respiratory burst of neutrophils and enhance neutrophil degranulation, recorded by exocytosis of myeloperoxidase and lactoferrin.
dc.description.abstractIn the article, there are discussed the modern possibilities of laboratory diagnostics of alcohol abuse. There is given the characteristics of traditional indirect biomarkers with a narrow time window of detection, the level of which can increase in various pathological processes; direct biomarkers that react only to the intake of ethanol; a number of relatively new "candidates" for biomarkers or components of biomarker panels. Among all the used biomarkers, the most promising is the determination of phosphatidylethanol due to its high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, as well as the ability to be included in the components of cell membranes, changing their structural and functional properties.
dc.description.abstractIn the article, there are discussed the modern possibilities of laboratory diagnostics of alcohol abuse. There is given the characteristics of traditional indirect biomarkers with a narrow time window of detection, the level of which can increase in various pathological processes; direct biomarkers that react only to the intake of ethanol; a number of relatively new "candidates" for biomarkers or components of biomarker panels. Among all the used biomarkers, the most promising is the determination of phosphatidylethanol due to its high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, as well as the ability to be included in the components of cell membranes, changing their structural and functional properties.
dc.subjectАнтимикробные пептидыru_RU
dc.titleВлияние антимикробных пептидов медицинской пиявки Hirudo medicinalis на функциональную активность нейтрофиловru_RU
dc.titleInfluence of antimicrobial peptides of the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalic on neutrophil functional activity
dc.titleRole of the biomarkers in diagnostics of chronic alcohol intoxication

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