Сахаровские чтения 2015 года: экологические проблемы XXI века: Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 437
Этические и правовые аспекты генетического тестирования человека
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)The main points of the ethical and legal issues of human genotyping and genetic data are summarized. -
Биоэтическая составляющая в фармацевтическом образовании
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)Importance of bioethics component throughout the period of modern pharmaceutical education. -
Нравственная дилемма стоматолога в выборе между необходимым и желательным
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)A current bioethical issue that a dentist often faces in his activity s the dilemma of choosing the first option in the treatment process. -
Формирование биоэтических принципов в научных исследованиях с участием человека в Беларуси в конце XX века
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)The development of major international research projects on health effects of the Chernobyl acci lent at the end of the 20-th century served as a ground for a new relationship in medical research, based on modern bioethical ... -
Принцип предосторожности: поиск сферы применения
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)The paper deals with critical arguments against the famous precautionary principle advanced by C. Sunstain. The author suggests that this criticism does not refute the principle but compel us to search for its limitations. -
Наследие в. Р. Поттера: от глобальной биоэтики к нооэтике
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)Nooethics, ethics of Reason and Measure, is a new stage of Dr Potter's global bioethics. Human goals are supposed to rationally organise human activity, motivating it in accordance w th moral values and norms. Here, normative ... -
Институциональное обеспечение принципов биоэтики
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)Institutional support for bioethical principles is observed in the paper, institutionalization of bioethics in Ukraine is outlined. -
Коррелятивные аспекты гуманитарной экспертизы и здравоохранения
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)The paper emphasizes the role of two main social institutions: humanitarian expertise and public health in the insurance of health care for each member of the society. -
Этические проблемы исследования генетических основ интеллекта
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)Three levels of social and ethical consequences of the genetic basis of mental abilities study in postnatal and prenatal periods have been discussed. -
Нанотехнологии в медицине: этические проблемы и нанобезопасность
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)The report examines the use of nanotechnology in medicine as well as the possible mechanisms for the implementation of nanoethics principles in the practice of biomedical research. -
Рекомендации по организации и управлению нанонаучной и нанотехнологической деятельностью
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)The recommendations developed include information on SOPs compliance; planning and carrying out research; writting reports as well as on algorithmic determination of the potential danger and the basic molecular biological ... -
Естественнонаучные основания концепции 3. Фрейда
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)NO-synthasa is a natural defense mechanism of the phren. This conclusions can be used as a basis for further research on human's phren natural defense mechanisms. -
Экологическая этика и защита животных
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)The partial question of biodiversity conservation problem, ecological ethics and moral aspects in the practice of biologists, activists of animal protection and officials are discussed. The question of the creation of ... -
О логике взаимоотношений человека и природы
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)The principle of partnering relations of society and nature requires the development of the logic of their interaction, ecological thinking, and communication between humans and nature as a virtual object. The origins of ... -
Медикаментозное лечение и биоэтические аспекты фармакоэкономики заболеваемости и смертности
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)Article analyses the relation between the pharmacoeconomical analysis of healthcare and bioethics, concluding that the application of bioethical principles is the key factor in shaping efficient and rational healthcare strategies -
Системно-дискурсивный подход к интерпретации глобальной биоэтики - ключевой императив стратегии выживания
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)There-are many interpretations of biological ethics on a global scale, bearing usually a descriptive nature. It is proved that the system-discursive approach to the explication of becoming of the global bioethics more ... -
Биоэтика и психология в медицине
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)Although high achievements in medLine and improvement of life quality, human don't cease ailing less. To solve this problem doctors should study special psychological and bioethics in-depth courses. -
Биоэтика категорий «норма» и «эволюционный риск» в рамках трехмодульной модели стабильной эволюционной стратегии человека
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)Bioethical dimension of technologizing of biological and socio-cultural evolution of man is analyzed within the framework of the human three-modular evolutionary stable strategy. -
Риски и политика безопасности применения нанотехнологий в сфере биомедицины и генетики
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)Inclusion of nanotechnologies in a framework of standard technology significantly strengthens the potential of risks and demands ethical examination. -
Чудо божьего дара зачатия и жизни человека в христианской и вселенской перспективе
(МГЭУ им. А.Д.Сахарова, 2015)There is a God who created cosmos and a mankind. The most precious creature of the whole cosmos, in the smallest amount of the matter, is just conceived man. Human life and dignity must be respected from the first moment ...