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dc.contributor.authorГришенкова, Л. Н.
dc.contributor.authorБукаткина, В. Н.
dc.descriptionГришенкова, Л. Н. Механическая асфиксия как причина смерти детей в г. Минске в 2008-2012 гг. = Mechanical asphyxia as the cause of death in children in Minsk in 2008-2012 / Л. Н. Гришенкова, В. Н. Букаткина // БГМУ: 90 лет в авангарде медицинской науки и практики: сб. науч. тр. / М-во здравоохр. Респ. Беларусь, Бел. гос. мед. ун-т; редкол. : А. В. Сикорский, О. К. Кулага. – Минск : ГУ РНМБ, 2014. – Вып. 4. – С. 64-67.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe article presents the results of retrospective study of the rate and structure of asphyxia death in children, based on the data of State medical forensic service of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk department) from 2008 through 2012. The cases of 52 deaths from mechanical asphyxia (21.05% of all forensic autopsies in children) have been chosen. The victims were analyzed according to gender, age, circumstances of death and possible predisposing factors. Ratio of dead boys and girls was 1.48:1. Among the types of asphyxial deaths aspiration of gastric contents ranks the first (34.62%), hanging (23.08%) is in the second place and drowning (21.15%) occupies the third place. In 50% of cases death occurred at the infant age, predominantly due to aspiration asphyxia; in 32.69% of cases — at the age of 15-17 years, entirely due to hanging and drowning.ru_RU
dc.publisherГУ РНМБru_RU
dc.subjectМеханическая асфиксияru_RU
dc.titleМеханическая асфиксия как причина смерти детей в г. Минске в 2008-2012 гг.ru_RU
dc.title.alternativeMechanical asphyxia as the cause of death in children in Minsk in 2008-2012ru_RU

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