Browsing Материалы съездов, конференций, семинаров. 2018 by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 2979
(БГМУ, 2018) -
A virus: the other side of the coin
(БГМУ, 2018) -
AIDS/HIV heute
(БГМУ, 2018) -
Allergie: types, symptomes, prevention, traitement
(БГМУ, 2018) -
Anorexia in modern society
(БГМУ, 2018) -
Assisted reproductive technologies in Primorsky Krai
(БГМУ, 2018) -
Association analysis of dyslipidemia and progression of diabetic kidney disease
(БГМУ, 2018)It was established, that morphological substrate of diabetic nephropathy is diffuse glomerulosclerosis, and one of the leading etiological factors is dyslipidemia. The degree of reduction in glomerular filtration ... -
Bedeutung des Wassers für die Gesundheit des Menschen
(БГМУ, 2018) -
Berühmte Leute mit Down Syndrom
(БГМУ, 2018) -
Bipolar disorder
(БГМУ, 2018) -
Can the nazis project of a super soldier be approved
(БГМУ, 2018)