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dc.contributor.authorVcherashniaya, A. V.
dc.contributor.authorMartinovich, I. V.
dc.contributor.authorPobat, V. S.
dc.contributor.authorMartinovich, G. G.
dc.contributor.authorCherenkevich, S. N.
dc.descriptionRedox regulation of the effect of antitumor drug doxorubicin in HEp-2 human larynx carcinoma cells / A. V. Vcherashniaya [et al.] // Физико-химическая биология как основа современной медицины : тез. докл. Респ. конф. с междунар. участием, посвящ. 110-летию В.А. Бандарина, Минск, 24 мая 2019 г. : в 2 ч. / под ред. В. В. Хрусталёва, Т. А. Хрусталёвой. - Минск, 2019. - Ч. 1. - С. 69-70.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractTumor cells chemoresistance is one of the main challenges for modern antitumor therapy. The investigation of mechanisms of tumor cells respond to stress and the development of methods for overcoming their resistance is important to developing novel therapeutic approaches for cancer treating. Previously in our work, redox regulation of chemoresistance by phenolic antioxidants was studied. It was found that one of the key mechanisms responsible for the formation of tumor cell resistance is the attenuation of apoptosis through increase of redox buffering capacity [1]. In the present study the effects of para-benzoquinones, known as effective redox regulators, on antitumor effect of doxorubicin were examined.ru_RU
dc.titleRedox regulation of the effect of antitumor drug doxorubicin in HEp-2 human larynx carcinoma cellsru_RU

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