Browsing Актуальные проблемы современной медицины и фармации 2022 by Title
Now showing items 18-37 of 973
Canalis sinuosus
(БГМУ, 2022) -
Céphalée de tension: symptômes et traitement
(БГМУ, 2022) -
Challenges of treatment of hypotension in elderly
(БГМУ, 2022) -
Challenges of treatment of hypotension in elderly
(БГМУ, 2022) -
Communication with terminally ill patients
(БГМУ, 2022) -
Congenital myopia and astigmatism;clinical situation
(БГМУ, 2022) -
COVID-19 considerations in pediatric dentistry
(БГМУ, 2022) -
Covid-19: variant omicron, tout ce qu’il faut savoir
(БГМУ, 2022) -
Der einfluss des telefons auf das menschliche Gehirn
(БГМУ, 2022) -
Dépression: un facteur de risque de cancer
(БГМУ, 2022) -
Diabetes mellitus in children
(БГМУ, 2022) -
Diseases caused by soil and water pollution
(БГМУ, 2022)