Влияние новых соединений 5-нитротиазола, проявляющих антибактериальные свойства, на фагоцитарную активность лейкоцитов периферической крови человека in vitro
New antibiotic are of great importance for curing serious infections because a large number of organism mutations make them resistant to the remedy used. Most antibiotics alter the immune respons and all investigational new drugs should be evaluated for their potential to produce immunomodulating effect. That is why it's a matter of concern to study phagocytic activity of new synthesized derivatives of 5-nitrothiazole in vitro. The results of the research showed that derivatives of 5-nitrothiazole with antimicrobial properties in comparison with metronidazole didn't induce immunosuppression effect in vitro. That is why it is promising to do a further research of this substance for getting a new antibiotic.
Буклаха, А. М. Влияние новых соединений 5-нитротиазола, проявляющих антибактериальные свойства, на фагоцитарную активность лейкоцитов периферической крови человека in vitro = Effect of new derivatives of 5-nitrothiazole with antimicrobial properties on the activity of human peripheral blood leukocytes in vitro / А. М. Буклаха, Т. Н. Соколова // БГМУ: 90 лет в авангарде медицинской науки и практики: сб. науч. тр. / М-во здравоохр. Респ. Беларусь, Бел. гос. мед. ун-т; редкол. : А. В. Сикорский, О. К. Кулага. – Минск : ГУ РНМБ, 2014. – Вып. 4. – С. 32-34.