Гибридная система энергоснабжения индивидуального жилого дома
The article presents the results of the design a hybrid power supply system of energy efficient house for rural areas. Justification of choice and a description of electricity- and heat power supply system based on renewable energy sources were given. Hybrid power supply system includes: solar batteries, wind power turbines of a horizontal and helicoid type for electrical power supply system; solar water heating system based on evacuated tube solar collectors and wood boilers for heat power supply system.
The results of calculations of heat and electrical energy produced by hybrid power supply system and cost-effectiveness of the project are introduced in this article.
Артеменков, И. В. Гибридная система энергоснабжения индивидуального жилого дома = Hybrid power supply system of individual house / И. В. Артеменков, С. П. Кундас / / Сахаровские чтения 2015 года: экологические проблемы XXI века : материалы 15-й междунар. науч. конф., 21-22 мая 2015 г., г. Минск, Республика Беларусь / под ред. С. С. Позняка, Н. А. Лысухо. – Минск : МГЭУ им. А. Д. Сахарова, 2015. – C. 281.