Browsing Актуальные проблемы современной медицины и фармации 2019 by Title
Now showing items 42-61 of 1633
Early pregrancy: a comparative view (Belarus vs. Latvia)
(БГМУ, 2019) -
Effect of newspaper headlines
(БГМУ, 2019) -
Effect of smoking on periodont and salivation
(БГМУ, 2019) -
Emotional intelligence
(БГМУ, 2019) -
Entdeckung des aspirins und seine geheimnisse
(БГМУ, 2019) -
First aid: issue of unawareness
(БГМУ, 2019) -
Folk medicine: for and against
(БГМУ, 2019) -
Gehgeschwindigkeit zeigt langlebigkeit an
(БГМУ, 2019) -
Good memory. Myths and reality
(БГМУ, 2019) -
High technologies in medicine
(БГМУ, 2019) -
Hirntumore. Diagnose und behandlung.
(БГМУ, 2019) -
Human cloning: attitude to the problem
(БГМУ, 2019) -
Illnesses of the XXI century
(БГМУ, 2019)