Состояние нижней стенки орбиты при переломе скуло-орбитального комплекса = State of the orbital floor in a zygomatico-orbital complex fracture
1-79 80 26 Стоматология Violation of the integrity of the walls of the orbit and displacement of the fragments may lead to functional and aesthetic violations even after repositioning the zygomatic bone. Timely diagnosis of the presence of a fracture of the orbital wall in injuries of the joint zone of the face allows you to choose the right tactics of surgical treatment of patients. The main method for determining the presence of a fracture and the degree of displacement of the fragments of the lower wall of the orbit remains the x-ray method. The use of different types of computer tomography for diagnosis allows to determine reliably the presence of damage to the walls of the orbit. The aim of the study was to justify the use of CBCT for the diagnosis of fractures of the zygoma-orbital complex and comparative analysis of the spatial position of the lower wall of the orbit in the postoperative period as a criterion of the effectiveness of surgical treatment for fracture of zygoma-orbital complex. The object of the study were patients (30 patients) with fractures of the orbital complex, who were treated with 11 GKB in Minsk for 2015-2017 years. The study of these medical records and the results of pre- and postoperative x-ray examination. The study revealed that the CBCT method can be used to assess the state of the lower wall of the orbit in injuries of the orbital complex. The use of CBCT for this purpose makes it possible to qualitatively assess the state of the fragments of the lower reticulum of the orbit and characterize the results of the operative treatment of fractures of the zygoma-orbital complex.
Юнесиджадиди, Амирхоссейн Состояние нижней стенки орбиты при переломе скуло-орбитального комплекса : дис. .... магистра : 1-79 80 26 / Амирхоссейн Юнесиджадиди ; Белорус. гос. мед. ун-т. - Минск, 2019. - 89 с. Younesijadidi, Amirhossein State of the orbital floor in a zygomatico-orbital complex fracture : Master's thesis : 1-79 80 26 / Amirhossein Younesijadidi ; Belarusian State Medical University. - Minsk, 2019. – 89 p.