Analysis of the interactions between adiponectin hormone and T-cadherin with bioinformatics methods
Interaction between adiponectin and T-cadherin provides beneficial cardioprotective and regenerative effects on the cardiovascular system [1–4]. Ad-iponectin accumulates in the heart, endothelium, and skeletal muscles through interaction with T-cadherin [3]. T-cadherin specifically binds with the hexameric and high-molecular form of adiponectin. However, the details of ligand-receptor interaction between adiponectin and T-cadherin remains poorly characterized [5]. The complex of T-cadherin and adiponectin hexamer is still not crystallized and its structure is unknown.
Popinako, А. V. Analysis of the interactions between adiponectin hormone and T-cadherin with bioinformatics methods / А. V. Popinako, M. N. Balatskaya // Физико-химическая биология как основа современной медицины : тез. докл. участников Респ. конф. с междунар. участием, посвящ. 80-летию со дня рождения Т. С. Морозкиной, Минск, 29 мая 2020 г. / под ред. А. Д. Тагановича, В. В. Хрусталёва, Т. А. Хрусталёвой. – Минск : БГМУ, 2020. – С. 141-142.